Slide Ranch


Slide Ranch, a nonprofit ranch on the Marin coast, has been connecting people to nature since it was founded 1970. Slide welcomes 8,000 visitors to family programs, school field trips, special events and summer camps every year.

Visitors explore our organic gardens, learn about food from farm to fork, discover pastures and animal care, study the rich marine ecosystem and tide pool network on our rocky shore, and survey trails winding through coastal sage scrub that are home to quail, bobcats, deer, and coyotes. Our programs focus particularly on children in socioeconomically disadvantaged communities, people with physical and developmental disabilities, and a spectrum of at-risk, low-income, underserved populations.  

By farming, cooking, caring for animals and exploring wilderness and the coast, we teach people of all ages to see the connection between their own health, a healthy food system and a healthy environment. By supporting Slide Ranch, you can help plant Bay Area kids in nature!


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